Here are some works of mine available for download
Kerberos.pptx - This presentation illustrating, how Kerberos protocol works. I've tried to simplify the things a bit. It's recommended to "stage the play" to fully understand it. 4 "actors" are needed: User, AS, TGS, HTTP Server. Each has initial set of tickets and keys. As the presentation goes on, they exchange tickets and keys. If the key color in one player's hand correspond to the color of the lock on a ticket, that means (s)he can read the ticket. For more details please see README.txt in archive, tickets are available there as well.
Injects_p1.pptx - This presentation is the first in the series of "Injection techniques" and is based on this article. It covers the following topics:
- Classic
- PE injection
- Process Hollowing
- Hook
- Windows Registry
Injects_p2.pptx - This presentation is the second in the series of "Injection techniques" and is based on this article. It covers the following topics:
- Other injection techniques review
- APC (Asynchronous Procedure Call)