BTFM for mobiles
# logical acquisition using ADB
# use Inportnat.pdf file to get all relative files
adb backup -shared -all
adb shell dumpsys
adb shell dumpsys iphonestubinfo
adb shell dumpsys wifi
adb shell dumpsys usegestat
# ab-extractor for converting ab to tar backup.ab
# logical acquisition using AF Logical OSE
# uses content providers capabilities. Needs dev options enabled
# apk will be installed on the device
# what's the point? Offers to pull MMS, SMS. It's equivalent to backup or man acquisition with adb
# image the Android devices, needs root
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p12 of=/sdcard/tmp.image
# image memory sdcard
winhex to acquire the image
# analyse the files
Autopsy, choose the correct timezone
# recover deleted files
locate scalpel.conf
sudo chmod 777 /etc/scalpen/scalpel.conf
# uncomment the filetypes you're looking for and save
scalpel [image_file_name] -o [output_folder_name]